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Sākums » Fotoalbums » Kartiņas » Bilde 1
Skatījumu skaits: 2013 | Izmēri: 800x607px/72.6Kb | Reitings: 3.3/3 | Datums: 16.12.2008 | Admin
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1 Jeff  
You can become an Avon rep by fndniig an Avon leadership rep nearby or you can also sign up online with a select few reps in the online appt program (I am one see my profile for more info) Or you can go to and a District Mgr will call you (least best way to join).How Avon works is you sell the product to family, friends etc. Avon bills you the discounted price. You collect the full price from your customers and the difference between the 2 is your paycheck. I dont' find the ordering and delivering that time consuming but you do need to find customers. You don't want to depend on your family and friends but they are a great place to start. You definately need to expand beyond them. You can ask them to share your brochures with their family, friends, and coworkers. Talk to the people you come into contact with every day .coworkers, mom's at the bus stop, neighbors, the people at the local deli where you get your coffee in the morning, the tellers where you do your banking etc etc. They call it the power of 3. Talk to 3 people a day about Avon. Collect a 100 no's in 30 days .chances are good you'll get more yes's than no's.For your first campaign you will earn 50% commission when you place your order online. For your Second, Third, and Fourth campaigns, you will earn 50% commission provided your orders are greater than $ 50, and you place your orders online. After your first four campaigns, the commission structure is as follows:Order Size Earnings$ 1550 or more 50%$ 900 $ 1549 45%$ 425 $ 899 40%$ 285 $ 424 35%$ 145 $ 284 30%$ 25 $ 144 20%$ 00 $ 24 0%Licensed products are earned at 20% commission.The more you sell the more you make after the first 4 campaigns. If you want to be successful it does require a good amount of commitment. With any sales job, the more you put into it the more you get out of it. If you want to make money you have to treat it as you would any job or busines you would do. If you just want a hobby and treat it as such that's all it will be. Signing up does not mean money and customers are going to fall out of the sky into your lap. Avon is quality products at affordable prices, has something for everyone and there are many people who love it but you do need to actively find them. I have more info and Avon FAQ's on my profile. Feel free to contact me with any other questions you might have.Terri Avon ISRUnit Leader/Honor Society

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